Gracillimus Graziella
Flamingo Malepartus
Morning Light Ghana
More photographs after the discriptions
Miscanthus sinensis is also known as maiden grass, eulalia, and Japanese silver grass. Japan is the origin of most cultivated species, where it is called suzuki, and is used for their thatched roofs. It is a warm season, clump forming grass. There is a huge range of varieties, with many leaf colours and shapes, with different flower colours and heights, and season of blooming, as well as plant shapes. They should be cut back in late spring, to about 4-6" above the ground.
Miscanthus sin. 'Flamingo' narrow green leaves tall flowers pink-tinted to 6' tall zone
Miscanthus sin. 'Ghana'
Miscanthus sin. 'Giganteous' leaves wide, green with silver centers 8-11' tall flowers silver, hint of pink to 13' zone 4 used as biofuel
Miscanthus sin. 'Gracillimus' leaves fine, green with white midrib 4-6' tall flowers are copper/red, 5-7' zone 5 has a graceful rounded form, one of the oldest cultivars, one of the last to bloom
Miscanthus sin. 'Graziella' leaves fine, green, 4-5' tall flowers silvery pink, 5-7' zone 5 foliage turns rich copper/red in fall, flowers held high above the foliage, early bloomer
Miscanthus sin. 'Malepartus' leaves wide, green, turn orange/gold in fall, 5' tall flowers emerge dark red, fading to silver, 5-7', mid-season bloomer zone 5
Miscanthus sin. 'Morning light' foliage is elegant and fine, green with white edges flowers zone 5 foliage remains upright
Miscanthus sin. 'Purpurescens' (flame grass) leaves green turning red/orange in fall, 3-4' tall flowers silvery-pink, 4-5' zone 4 foliage retains its colour throughout the winter, adding special interest
Miscanthus sin. 'Rotsilber' leaves green, silver center, turn orange/red in fall, 3-4' tall flowers open deep red, fade to silver 5-6' tall zone 5
Miscanthus sin. 'Sarabande' leaves narrow, green, turning bronze in fall, 3-4' flowers gold/copper/bronze, 5-6' zone 4
Miscanthus sin. 'Silberfeder' (silver feather) leaves wide, green with white edges 5-7' tall flowers are white 7-9' held high above foliage zone 4 leaves can be somewhat lax vase shape
Miscanthus sin. 'Strictus' (porcupine grass) leaves green with blonde bars spaced apart, very erect, 4-6' tall flowers are copper/bronze, 6-8' zone 5
Miscanthus sin. 'Variegatus' leaves green & white striped along the length, 5-6' tall flowers reddish, 6-8', in late summer zone 5 antique variety, one of the most popular
Miscanthus sin. 'Yaku Jima' leaves narrow, green, reddish in fall, 3-4' tall flowers red, turning silvery white, 4-5' zone 5 native to the Japanese island Yaku Jima compact plant
Miscanthus transmorrisonensis (Taiwanese maiden grass) narrow green foliage to 3' tall flowers buff, 5' tall held high above the foliage zone 5 stays green until late in fall, can be evergreen in zone 6
Yaku Jima